
Learn C on the Mac (Learn Series)

Great Price "Learn C on the Mac (Learn Series)" for $24.86 Today

When it comes to technical books, Apress makes some of my favorite and most useful books. Being in IT, and being a proud Mac owner and Snow Leopard user for about a year now, I figured I should start learning more about developing for Mac's, so I purchased Learn C on the Mac. When purchasing this book, we must keep in mind that just learning C will not allow us to create the coolest looking applications and software for OS X. C is what C++, the more popular Java, and what Objective-C are based on. The goal of this book is teach us the basic fundamentals that prepare us for C++, Objective-C or Java, and to allow us to feel comfortable with Xcode (Xcode is where we code, it's like Visual Studio or Eclipse for the Mac).

For the beginner, this book is perfect, as the author clearly states that to his surprise, he's found children and soccer moms are interested in learning how to code - so it should be really easy to follow. For those that already know VB and C#, the book will be even easier to follow along, and you'll learn the basics of developing for the Mac or iPhone. Overall, this book is an intro to programing (regardless of which language or platform you plan to use) and a guide to using Xcode for programing.

Anything exercises the book has us do, are all ran and debugged in Xcode. Once you finish this book, you'll be able to understand Learn Objective-C on the Mac, also by Apress. Objective-C, based on C (this book), is what Mac's actually run on, and allows for scrolling, menu's, etc... The last step, after understanding Objective C, is to decide what you want to do. Do you want to develop for the Mac or the iPhone? If you choose Mac, Learn Cocoa on the Mac by Apress would be the right book, if you choose to learn mobile Cocoa instead, for the iPhone, you would want Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK by Apress too. Cocoa would be what we really need to learn to be able and create iPhone applications and software as we know it today.

Anyways, I don't think it'll matter if your a beginner, or already a developer (non C or Java), you will likely learn from this book. Sure, Java developers might be able to review too, and learn how to use Xcode, but if your already developing in C, Java you might be ready to move on to Objective-C. Have fun learning, and remember, this is not a PC only world anymore!!

Learn C on the Mac (Learn Series) Features

  • ISBN13: 9781430218098
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Rating :
Price : $39.99
Offer Price : $24.86

Learn C on the Mac (Learn Series) Overviews

Considered a classic by an entire generation of Mac programmers, this popular guide has been completely updated for Mac OS X. Don’t know anything about programming? No problem! Acclaimed author Dave Mark starts out with the basics and takes you through a complete course in programming C using Apple’s free Xcode tools. This book is perfect for beginners learning to program. It includes all–new Mac OS X examples!

  • Provides best practices for programming newbies
  • Written by the expert on C–programming for the Mac
  • Presents all the basics with a pragmatic, Mac OS X-flavored approach

What you’ll learn

  • Master C programming, the gateway to programming your Mac or iPhone.
  • Write applications for the Mac OS X interface, the cleanest user interface around.
  • Understand variables and how to design your own data structures.
  • Work with the file system.
  • Connect to data sources and the Internet.

Who is this book for

For anyone wanting to learn to program in Mac OS X, including developers new to the Mac, developers new to C, or students entirely new to programming. For anyone who wants to learn how to program their iPhone, this is also the core language primer.

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Customer Review

Elementary, brief and little to do with Mac OS - John Harpur - Trim, Meath, IRELAND
Recently I downloaded Kindle for the Mac, and out of interest I chose the Kindle version of Learn C on the Mac to experience Kindle in action. The Kindle version did not display any book page numbers which was immensely frustrating since it was hard to gauge where I was in the book without referring back to the table of contents. Not a satisfying user experience.

The book itself is a little higher in quality than complete drek but by a narrow call. Most of the code is built around creating a DVD library - using the terminal for all input and output - a very historical if not dated approach more suited to a 386 PC from the 80s. It is a very simple project, too simple in my opinion for what the Mac has to offer. Code slices are available from the book's website. A long list of bugs are reported by readers on the website along with author responses. Some of the bugs are just down to bad proof reading, but others are more serious. e.g. operator confusion. Towards the end of the book, a short piece on binary trees and searching is preceded by an even shorter piece on recursion (using factorial as exemplar). The author professes himself a fan of Knuth's work so surely something more substantial could have been presented.

In summary the book takes one straightforward terminal focused I/O application and uses it deliver brief illustrations of C constructs and mechanisms. Apart from a couple of screen-shots from XCode at the beginning, a reader could be forgiven for thinking they had stumbled into a time warp of C presentation from 20 or more years ago. Objective-C and Cocoa get mentions that are so brief as to be useless. The 'Mac' component in the book in my opinion is irrelevant. There are better C texts, more substantial and more challenging.

Good book to get started - James Love Lll - Mamaroneck, NY United States
So far this book has been great at introducing some of the concepts necessary for programming in C. I have had some programming experience in he past, so it is not all foreign to me. The programming examples are easy to follow and the book is well organized. This is my first use of a book from Apress, and I will likely purchase follow up books like programming in objective-c.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 30, 2010 09:28:07

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iPhone Cool Projects

Great Price iPhone Cool Projects for $12.95 Today

When reading introductory books in any language, it is easy to learn the language elements and concepts, but it is hard to see how everything fits together. What is great about the cool projects series from Apress is being able to see the elements and concepts in practice with projects from professionals who are active in the field.

Each chapter is written by a different author, so every project covers a different experience and topic. These range from touch interfaces to streaming audio over the network. Some of the projects presented are based on the author's live applications that are currently available through the App Store. A wide range of the topics are covered in the book with practical examples of the concepts.

This book is definitely not an introduction to Cocoa or iPhone programming. It is more geared toward the intermediate reader who has learned the basics and needs practical, real-life examples. It can also be of use to a more experienced iPhone programmer who wants to explore some of the topics in the book without having to dig through the documentation.

I would highly recommend this book because it is easy to read and does not get bogged down with basic concepts. Code is provided on the book's site and is easy to follow the code with the explanations in the book. As a beginning iPhone programmer, I found this book to be a lot of help to work out some of the concepts I was having trouble with.

iPhone Cool Projects Features

  • ISBN13: 9781430223573
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Rating :

Price : $39.99

Offer Price : $12.95


The iPhone and iPod touch have provided all software developers with a level playing field—developers working alone have the same access to consumers as multinational software publishers. Very cool indeed! To make your application stand out from the crowd, though, it has to have that something extra. You must learn the skills to take your apps from being App Store filler to download chart-topping blockbusters.

Developers with years of experience helped write this book. Spend some time understanding their code and why they took the approach they did. You will find the writing, illustrations, code, and sample applications second to none. No matter what type of application you are writing, you will find something in this book to help you make your app that little bit cooler.

The book opens with Wolfgang Ante, the developer behind the Frenzic puzzle game, showing how timers, animation, and intelligence are used to make game play engaging. It moves on to Rogue Amoeba's Mike Ash explaining how to design a network protocol using UDP, and demonstrating its use in a peer-to-peer application—a topic not normally for the faint of heart, but explained here in a way that makes sense to mere mortals. Gary Bennett then covers the important task of multithreading. Multithreading can be used to keep the user interface responsive while working on other tasks in the background. Gary demonstrates how to do this and highlights traps to avoid along the way.

Next up, Canis Lupus (aka Matthew Rosenfeld) describes the development of the Keynote-controlling application Stage Hand, how the user interface has evolved, and the lessons he has learned from that experience. Benjamin Jackson then introduces two open source libraries: cocos2d, for 2D gaming; and Chipmunk, for rigid body physics (think “collisions”). He describes the development of Arcade Hockey, an air hockey game, and explains some of the code used for this.

Neil Mix of Pandora Radio reveals the science behind processing streaming audio. How do you debug what you can't see? Neil guides you through the toughest challenges, sharing his experience of what works and what to watch out for when working with audio. Finally, Steven Peterson demonstrates a comprehensive integration of iPhone technologies. He weaves Core Location, networking, XML, XPath, and SQLite into a solid and very useful application.

Software development can be hard work. Introductory books lay the foundation, but it can be challenging to understand where to go next. This book shows some of the pieces that can be brought together to make complete, cool applications.

Who is this book for?

All iPhone application developers with any level of experience or coming from any development platform

Summary of Contents

  1. Wolfgang Ante - Designing a Simple, Frenzic-Style Puzzle Game
  2. Mike Ash - Mike Ash’s Deep Dive Into Peer-to-Peer Networking
  3. Gary Bennett - Doing Several Things at Once: Performance Enhancements with Threading
  4. Matthew “Canis” Rosenfeld - All Fingers and Thumbs: Multitouch Interface Design and Implementation
  5. Benjamin Jackson - Physics, Sprites, and Animation with the cocos2d-iPhone Framework
  6. Neil Mix - Serious Streaming Audio the Pandora Radio Way
  7. Steven Peterson - Going the Routesy Way with Core Location, XML, and SQLite

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Customer Review

Poorly Written - Christopher Morris -
I bought this book because I wanted to see code that successful iPhone developers had written. I guess I was looking for "best practices" sort of information and I was hoping that I might get insight on how to tackle some problems I have run into when developing my own applications.

Book Flow

The biggest disappointment in this book is that developers wrote it (I am assuming). The book lacks the continuity you would normally find when one or two people collaborate on an entire book. When a different person writes each chapter, you get seven different styles in this book. I found a couple of the chapters very well written, but the rest I found to be, well, written by developers. I'm not saying that developers are inherently bad at writing, but it takes a certain something to relay information to other developers effectively. Most of the writers of this book just do not have it.

Code Samples

I got very frustrated reading chapters with code snippets from applications the various authors had written. If a working application had been available to provide context to the snippets, then I would have been less frustrated. For example, in Chapter 5, the first 12 pages of the chapter provide code snippets with very brief explanations of what the code is supposed to do. No working example is provided for context. I couldn't even play with the code to see what was going on. It was almost like I was expected just to know the context because I was on the team that wrote the application. The last 10 pages actually create a working sample. I would have rather spent the entire chapter creating the application with better explanations of each step and theory behind the code.


I wish I had a dollar for all the typos I've seen in this book. Again, in chapter 5, page 118 there is a screen shot of the application the author wrote. The caption says it's a screen shot of the application that you will be writing at the end of the chapter. Sloppy.


I feel like I did get some useful information from this book. Was it worth the frustration of reading poorly written text, no context for code snippets, and numerous errors? Not in my opinion.

Looks good on paper, but the devil's in the details - David Ruedger -
I bought this after seeing the high reviews from others on this site. Unfortunately, the content doesn't quite live up to the hype for me. I got this in particular wanting more details about threading having come from the Windows world where I have implemented very robust networking applications that require UI responsiveness while results are cached in the background. I was hoping this book would shed some light on how to go about doing this in the iPhone paradigm, but the example is so rudimentary that it almost isn't even worth putting into the book. Plus, the instructions for building the app are incorrect and contain glaring omissions as well as references to code objects that don't even exist. What's worse is the code itself as listed in the book doesn't even run when built! It causes an unhandled exception due to objects created in the header file not being instantiated or initialized in the implementation file. And no where in the chapter does it say you must download the source code for the example. It walks you through it as if it has been checked and is guaranteed to work as printed. Once you download the source code, it becomes apparent how rushed or poorly thought through this portion of the book was. Whole sections of the header and implementation files are glaringly omitted from the book. Did Bennett even bother proofreading this part of the book, and if so, where were the editors in this process? It's shameful for a book that is marketed as a technical tome to increase a developer's proficiency on the platform.

I'll admit that I haven't delved into other parts of the book in great detail, but the game portion did look pretty interesting at first glance. However, the hands on experience I had with the threading chapter left a very bad first impression and does not leave me all too optimistic on either the usefulness or accuracy of the additional content in the book.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 29, 2010 09:18:08

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Head First iPhone Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone

Head First iPhone Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone Review

Bought a few iPhone dev books but being a fan of HeadFirst Design Patterns I decided to give their iPhone book a try - glad I did!
You have to really sit down with Xcode/InterfaceBuilder and go thru the well-thought out examples. When you do, magic happens as page after page gives you the feeling of having an in-house teacher expecting the questions you are going to ask, along with follow-up questions to each of the answered provided.

One criticism I have is it would have good to have a chapter explaining Cocoa and Interface Builder internals; the info is there but scattered all over as the author does prefer waiting to apply theoretical concepts to specific examples. As an example, archiving NIB files and why subclassing a ViewController to reuse a View work the way it does is explained half way thru the book or what a ViewController is exactly and how it handles a View is a critical MVC concept prominent throughout Cocoa programming. A more thorough brain dump on Objective-C would be good instead of letting the reader find out that default class member access level is protected (the chapter does cover ref counting, so why not a more basic OOD concept?)

I really enjoy going thru that book and it definitely is more pragmatic and more hands-on than the other books from APress.
- Highly recommended!

Head First iPhone Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone Features

  • ISBN13: 9780596803544
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Rating :

Price : $44.99

Offer Price : $28.00


Let's say you have an idea for a killer iPhone app. Where do you begin? Head First iPhone Development will help you get your first application up and running in no time. You'll quickly learn to use iPhone SDK tools, including Interface Builder and Xcode, and master Objective-C programming principles that will make your app stand out. It's a complete learning experience for creating eye-catching, top-selling iPhone applications.

  • Put Objective-C core concepts to work, including message passing, protocols, properties, and memory management
  • Take advantage of iPhone patterns such as datasources and delegates
  • Preview your applications in the iPhone Simulator
  • Build complicated interactions that utilize multiple views, data entry/editing, and iPhone rotation
  • Work with iPhone's camera, GPS, and accelerometer
  • Create interactive, entertaining games
  • Optimize, test, and distribute your application

We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First iPhone Development provides a visually-rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.

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Customer Review

Substantially better than Apress' "Exploring the iPhone SDK" - J. Milam -
For a while now I've been working on getting into developing iPhone applications. I first started with the Apress iPhone "Beginning iPhone 3 Development" and although at the time I felt I had a pretty good understanding of OOP and C programming. However going into the second chapter the book was way over my head. Naturally I stepped back to the Apress "Learn Objective-C on the Mac". The book was helpful although there was very little interaction. It was the teaching style of This does this, here is some example code to demonstrate it. There was little interaction with the reader, walking you through actually building an application.

I picked up this book, and I can't emphasize how great it is. The book engages the reader, is humorous at times, explains theories and concepts multiple times throughout the book to reinforce certain ideas. To anyone looking at starting out with iPhone development, get this book first. You won't regret it.

Useful for concepts but dont try the examples unless you know what you are doing - Lionel Hanners -
this book is really fun to read and it helped me learn some concepts that i was having trouble understanding, however there are so many errors in the code you are supposed to be learning from that the exercises are incomplete-able unless you already know quite a bit about what you are doing. this book has given me the worst headache from trying to figure out where they made a typo.

do not get this book unless you already know the objective syntax like a pro

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 28, 2010 09:17:10

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The strongest link: Tasman Networks reaps benefits from a solid supply chain partnership strategy.: An article from: Industrial Engineer

The strongest link: Tasman Networks reaps benefits from a solid supply chain partnership strategy.: An article from: Industrial Engineer Review

Price : $5.95

Offer Price : $5.95


This digital document is an article from Industrial Engineer, published by Institute of Industrial Engineers, Inc. (IIE) on August 1, 2004. The length of the article is 2029 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: The strongest link: Tasman Networks reaps benefits from a solid supply chain partnership strategy.
Author: K.C. Venugopal
Publication:Industrial Engineer (Refereed)
Date: August 1, 2004
Publisher: Institute of Industrial Engineers, Inc. (IIE)
Volume: 36 Issue: 8 Page: 34(5)

Distributed by Thomson Gale

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 27, 2010 08:48:04

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Design of separation process of azeotropic mixtures based on the green chemical principles [An article from: Journal of Cleaner Production]

Design of separation process of azeotropic mixtures based on the green chemical principles [An article from: Journal of Cleaner Production] Review

Price : $10.95

Offer Price : $10.95


This digital document is a journal article from Journal of Cleaner Production, published by Elsevier in 2007. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

This paper presents an integrated methodology for synthesis of separation process of azeotropic mixture based on the green chemical principles, which inherently incorporates environmental factors into the separation process synthesis. Characterization of the environmental impact of a chemical process is carried out on the basis of our established environmental impact database (containing nine indices). The superstructure is optimized more effectively and reliably by integrating the mathematical programming approach using multi-objective mixed integer non-linear programming techniques and heuristic approach. The complexity and size of synthesis search space were greatly reduced by applying the thermodynamic insights into the selection of separation techniques. The proposed methodology was highlighted through two industrial examples, one is the separation of azeotropic mixture of dimethyl carbonate and methanol, the other is the separation of azeotropic mixture of isopropanol and water.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 26, 2010 08:38:06

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By hook or by crook: the Liberals are determined to have their way.(Liberals rush to pass proposed First Nations governance act (Bill C-7)): An article from: Wind Speaker

By hook or by crook: the Liberals are determined to have their way.(Liberals rush to pass proposed First Nations governance act (Bill C-7)): An article from: Wind Speaker Review

Price : $5.95

Offer Price : $5.95


This digital document is an article from Wind Speaker, published by Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta (AMMSA) on May 1, 2003. The length of the article is 2247 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: By hook or by crook: the Liberals are determined to have their way.(Liberals rush to pass proposed First Nations governance act (Bill C-7))
Author: Paul Barnsley
Publication:Wind Speaker (Newsletter)
Date: May 1, 2003
Publisher: Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta (AMMSA)
Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Page: 9(2)

Distributed by Thomson Gale

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 25, 2010 08:21:08

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iPhone App Development: The Missing Manual

iPhone App Development: The Missing Manual Review

Price : $39.99

Offer Price : $26.39


Ready to create your own iPhone app? This book walks you through the entire iPhone app development process from start to finish. You'll learn how to download the tools, build the app, successfully navigate Apple's approval process, and then market and maintain the finished product. All you need to get started is a familiarity with object-oriented programming.

With iPhone App Development: The Missing Manual, you'll get illustrated, step-by-step tutorials and real-world examples. Author and Mac guru Craig Hockenberry is your ideal guide because he's been there; he created the wildly popular Twitterific iPhone app that lets you manage your tweets and Twitter account right on your iPhone screen. Craig's goal is to make you a successful iPhone App developer, whether you're a student or an experienced programmer. He pursues this goal with clarity and a terrific sense of humor.

Affordable Price at Store Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 24, 2010 07:43:22

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iPhone and iPad in Action

iPhone and iPad in Action Review

Price : $39.99

Offer Price : $26.39


iPhone and iPad In Action, compiled by mobile software developer and blogger Brandon Trebitowski, simplifies existing iPhone topics while also updating them to account for the 3.4 SDK framework including iPad coverage. Beyond covering the basics of iPhone development, this edition also explores exciting topics such as the accelerometer, peer-to-peer gaming, mapkit, push notifications, and in-app purchasing. The reader is provided with step-by-step instructions on how to integrate the APIs into new or existing applications.

After completing this book, the reader will have all of the knowledge necessary to create fully functional iPhone applications ready for the App Store. There are many sample applications to work from including a chat client, video game, interactive map, and many others.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 23, 2010 07:31:15

Related : BUY "Opal Rings and Earrings" Affordable Price Best Cocoa Programming Textbooks Best Deals And Reviews On Bar Stool Chairs Best Deals And Reviews On Objective-C Textbooks Best Deals And Reviews On Beginning Objective-C Books

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Interactive Multi-Objective Programming As a Framework for Computer-Aided Control System Design (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)

Interactive Multi-Objective Programming As a Framework for Computer-Aided Control System Design (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences) Review

Price : $39.95

Offer Price : $39.95


This monograph reports the development of an approach to computer-aided control system design (CACSD). Of primary concern is the quality of cooperation between the designer and his computer. The designer is suggested to treat a CACSD problem as a search problem, in which he and the computer cooperate to locate satisfactory designs among sets of candidates. Interactive Multi-Objective Programming (IMOP) is employed to define the level of abstraction as well as the organization of the design facilities in the computer.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 22, 2010 07:13:06

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iPhone Application Development For Dummies

iPhone Application Development For Dummies Review

I have no programing experience; however, this book makes it easy to understand how it works. It is very good at explaining little intricate details. I recommend it!

iPhone Application Development For Dummies Features

  • ISBN13: 9780470568439
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Rating :

Price : $29.99

Offer Price : $16.82


Making Everything Easier!

With iPhone? Application Development for Dummies, Second Edition, you'll learn to:

  • Design small- or large-scale iPhone applications for profit or fun
  • Create new iPhone apps using Xcode?
  • Get your applications into the App Store
  • Work with frameworks

Got a good idea? Turn it into an app, have some fun, and pick up some cash!

Make the most of the new 3.1 OS and Apple's Xcode 3.2! Neal Goldstein shows you how, and even illustrates the process with one of his own apps that's currently being sold. Even if you're not a programming pro, you can turn your bright idea into an app you can market, and Neal even shows you how to get it into the App Store!

  • Mobile is different ? learn what makes a great app for mobile devices and how an iPhone app is structured
  • What you need ? download the free Software Development Kit, start using Xcode, and become an "official" iPhone developer
  • The nitty-gritty ? get the hang of frameworks and iPhone architecture
  • Get busy with apps ? discover how to make Xcode work for you to support app development
  • Off to the store ? get valuable advice on getting your apps into the App Store
  • Want to go further? ? explore what goes into industrial-strength apps

Open the book and find:

  • What it takes to become a registered Apple developer
  • How to debug your app
  • What's new in iPhone 3.1 and Xcode 3.2
  • What goes into a good interface for a small device
  • How applications work in the iPhone environment
  • Why you must think like a user
  • What the App Store expects of you
  • What makes a great iPhone app

Visit the companion Web site at for source code and additional information on iPhone app development.

Affordable Price at Check Price Now!

Customer Review

Not Great - Bobo - Dallas, TX
I have gotten through the first 7 chapters of this book. I am going to switch to something else. I just feel like it is taking so long to actually accomplish anything. And from looking some of the intro videos from Apple, the author seems to be going the long way around the barn for everything. Here is what I want from an development book.

1) Outline the structure of what you are going to do
2) Fill in the appropriate code with explanations
3) Run the code

- Then repeat this process with expansions and improvements.

Here is the format of this book

1) Blab on forever about concepts, inserting lame jokes
2) Code things without explanation, just saying, we will explain why later
3) Go back and try to explain things after it is coded
4) Randomly switch topics like a stream of consciousness. Oh, why don't we stop here and worry about an icon....

I did not realize how bad I had it until I watched an apple developer conference video where the speaker demonstrated the power of Cocoa and Interface Builder to put together an application in an hour that does more than what I have gotten so far out of 7 chapters.

I just don't trust that this author is really sharing from his vast understanding of the best way to get things done.

Not the correct style/content for a development book - Manuel A. Ricart - Cottage Grove, MN United States
The content of the book is basic and is OK as an introduction, however there are a few things I don't like about this book:

1) Some key steps are usually missing or not highlighted enough. For example, in order to dismiss the keyboard on the "ReturnToMe" application, there's a very important setting that needs to be made in Interface Builder, without it, it doesn't work. This part is missing.

2) The code samples are fairly crude code. Instead of using a single value to determine something, additional instance variables are created. Not elegant, and worse not reusable. In this case, the sample code was to scroll a text field to account for the keyboard showing/hiding. Similarly values like phone numbers are stored multiple times in the code. A more elegant solution is to simply store the value on the UI where its shown, and to read it from the button/label when necessary.

3) Presentation of code samples sometimes direct the reader to "insert the after this text" type of thing. I understand the need to save space. However when right next to this I find screenshots of XCode that are useless for any purpose (like adding accessor methods), the logic doesn't hold. Scrap the picture and list the code, as this is always more useful to the reader.

4) While there's a lot of text to try and motivate development of useful apps, the sample apps spend time on useless minutia and skip important tips. For example a bit of effort goes into developing a 'hidden button' to what amounts to setting a preference for the application. The space would be better served by showing how to set an application preference. Other details like customizing the keyboard that will show when the user taps on a field is more useful and directly affects the usability of the application for the user. The sample doesn't do what the text preaches.

5) A cool feature on the ReturnToMe application is enabling the user to dial the number. However the way this was implemented is silly. Instead of providing a pointer to the API to dial a phone, the phone number is placed in a UIWebView (to get the feature for free). The code to this is 100X more than calling the API directly. - [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL [..]]. And yes, I want to see how to use the UIWebView, but that usecase is the wrong place for it.

After the initial application, the book jumps into a larger application. I find larger samples to be less useful to the reader than small recipe type snippets that cover API ground. While a complex app is cool, it should simply be a downloadable sample for readers to examine.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 21, 2010 06:46:11

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Appraising Management Performance: The Bubble Management Approach

Appraising Management Performance: The Bubble Management Approach Review

Price : $54.95

Offer Price : $19.95


This is the only reference of its kind that addresses the use of probability theory to quantify the management appraisal process. Using Value-Based Risk Management (VBRM) it illustrates how management executives set quantitative goals and monitor the goals using tactical plans and unique control charts. Once preliminary goals are set, the probability of achieving them is determined and the attention of management directed to actions that can improve opportunities and reduce bottom-line risks. This book takes the subjective judgment nut of the appraisal of company managers and employees, and is perfect for human resource directors and senior managers looking for a better way to appraise employees.


-Contains concise tactical plans for controlling management and employee activities.

-Provides unique clothes-line charts for monitoring performance.

-Includes probability profiles showing the probability of achieving goals.

-Illustrates goal elements through management action charts, which if properly managed can improve opportunities and reduce risk to the bottom line.

-Features three separate chapters illustrating the use of the VBRM Appraisal process to production, service, and not-for-profit enterprises.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 20, 2010 06:01:07

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Objective-C: Visual QuickStart Guide

Objective-C: Visual QuickStart Guide Review

Objective-C: Visual QuickStart Guide Features

  • ISBN13: 9780321699466
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Rating :

Price : $29.99

Offer Price : $16.67

Availability : Usually ships in 1-2 business days


Objective C 2.0 is the object-oriented language that is the basis for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, the development environment for the iPhone/iPod Touch.You'll learn all the basics: from handling data and creating functions to managing memory and handling exceptions. For programmers who want to develop iPhone apps, it's a must, and this title in the Visual QuickStart-style is the easy, fast way to get started.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 19, 2010 05:43:04

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Objective-C (Developer Reference)

Objective-C (Developer Reference) Review

Price : $39.99

Offer Price : $26.39

Availability : Not yet published


A soup-to-nuts guide on the Objective-C programming language

Objective-C is the language behind Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, which is the Framework of applications written for the Macintosh, iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad platforms. Part of the Developer Reference series covering the hottest Apple topics, this book covers everything from the basics of the C language to advanced aspects of Apple development. You’ll examine Objective-C and high-level subjects of frameworks, threading, networking, and much more.

  • Covers the basics of the C language and then quickly moves onto Objective-C and more advanced topics
  • Draws from the author’s first-hand experience garnered while developing applications for the Mac and iPhone OS platforms
  • Discusses high-level subjects, including Objective-C’s bridges to other languages (C++, Ruby, and more), version control, test-driven development, and user interface design

Featuring real-life examples drawn from the author's experience, Objective-C offers an insider look at this amazing programming language.

Affordable Price at Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 18, 2010 05:15:15

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